This is the view when looking straight out to sea from Irish Beach. I came pretty close to doing what I set out to do with this simple little painting. My wife likes it too so I'm going to keep it. NFS
There's a lighthouse out here but it's all covered with tyvek and surrounded by scaffolding because it's being repaired at the moment so I decided to paint this rocky point just to the south instead.
My mom and Richard rented a house at Irish Beach near Mendocino and invited us all up for the weekend. It was foggy most of the time but I caught a thin slice of sun the first evening. This was my mom's favorite painting that I did during the trip so she gets it. Thanks for the great weekend! NFS
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm going out of town for a few days. I won't have internet access but I will still be painting every day. I will catch up with posting when I return. Thanks for looking at my blog! Sold
I have a number of old overhead and opaque projectors in my classroom. Only one or two are ever in working order at a given time. I tell myself that I keep them around for spare parts. I think I really just like the way they look. After getting several comments regarding this painting I decided to change it's name. I realized that this anthropomorphic quality is what appeals to me. Sold
Tools like this pipe wrench are a fun to do for a change. The drawing is more demanding than when painting organic things like fruit or flowers. It can also be a challenge to capture a sense of the mass of the object. Sold
I've put these seven paintings on eBay with a starting bid of just one dollar. The proceeds will benefit the Chana High School Art Department. Please click on the image to get to my eBay page. Merry Christmas!
This afternoon there was one lone dandelion in the small lawn next to the parking lot at school. I didn't have a small enough bottle in my classroom so I had to transport it home for tonight's painting. Sold
I am an artist living in Northern California. In 1993 I graduated from
U.C. Davis where I took classes from Wayne Thiebaud, Dave Hollowell and Roy DeForest. I currently teach high school art in Placer County California. On this blog I have posted 1000 paintings in as many days. I took a break from that strict schedule for a couple of years but since the beginning of 2014 I have been completing one small painting on a daily basis. The practice of completing a painting a day suits my disposition and aesthetic. I have also found that modeling this sort of daily practice for my students is important. I am making these paintings available on ebay. Thanks for stopping by and check back often if you like what you see.