I've had this hammer in my class room for years. I haven't painted it until now because it was covered with paint. I spent a few minutes cleaning it off with lacquer thinner before doing this painting. I suppose I could have painted it with the paint on it but I really wanted to see the shinny chromed handle. Sold
Another one from my collection of classic projectors. I might actually be able to fix this one. This is my 900th painting. Thank you, everyone, for looking. Sold
Apparently bell peppers change color depending on when they are harvested. I always thought the different colors meant they were different types of plants.
I found this old bottle of linseed oil in my classroom. I'm not sure where it came from. I usually mix my mediums with stand oil because it's gooier and I like that.
I like the look of these old staplers. It almost seems like the designers paid no attention to aesthetics, right down to the completely nondescript beige. These anonymous fastening devices did their job and didn't ask for attention.
I like the modern looking lines on this tape dispenser. I think it looks like something that people in the '70's would have thought looked very futuristic.
I heard a song on the radio today and it got me thinking about crayons. The song is by Kristin Andreassen and you can listen to and buy the song "Crayola" from her MySpace page. It's the best song about crayons that I've ever heard. Sold
I bought this watch cap for a dollar. I think it makes me look like the demolitions guy in a world war II movie. I'm gonna go down to the river and place some limpet mines on an enemy vessel. Sold
I am an artist living in Northern California. In 1993 I graduated from
U.C. Davis where I took classes from Wayne Thiebaud, Dave Hollowell and Roy DeForest. I currently teach high school art in Placer County California. On this blog I have posted 1000 paintings in as many days. I took a break from that strict schedule for a couple of years but since the beginning of 2014 I have been completing one small painting on a daily basis. The practice of completing a painting a day suits my disposition and aesthetic. I have also found that modeling this sort of daily practice for my students is important. I am making these paintings available on ebay. Thanks for stopping by and check back often if you like what you see.