A compendium of daily image making by Craig Stephens
Sunday, March 15, 2009
rock study 8x6
These rocks are just below the old Rainbow Bridge in Folsom. I've seen them a thousand times. The other day I was returning from painting in a different spot when I saw them with the late afternoon sun hitting them from the side.
I am an artist living in Northern California. In 1993 I graduated from
U.C. Davis where I took classes from Wayne Thiebaud, Dave Hollowell and Roy DeForest. I currently teach high school art in Placer County California. On this blog I have posted 1000 paintings in as many days. I took a break from that strict schedule for a couple of years but since the beginning of 2014 I have been completing one small painting on a daily basis. The practice of completing a painting a day suits my disposition and aesthetic. I have also found that modeling this sort of daily practice for my students is important. I am making these paintings available on ebay. Thanks for stopping by and check back often if you like what you see.
Those reflections and the impression of depth in the water is fantastic.
Thanks a lot Mark!
I like this area and plan on trying it again. I'm also thinking about maybe working this up into a little larger studio piece.
Saying the transparency or the reflect of the water seems to be simple but in reality so hard to give.
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