I didn't have the energy to put this one on eBay last night. I was out late cruising the galleries in midtown Sacramento. Every second Saturday they all have their openings. The highlight was stopping by
Terry Miura's studio. I came across his work on the internet and just loved it. I found out later that he is from this area. he's a very nice guy and his work looks even better in person.
Thats a key? Really? Looks like a tin opener...
It is a tin opener ("tins" are more commonly referred to as "cans" over here). The blunt side opens bottles as you're probably aware. I remember my dad calling them church keys while I was growing up. I'm not sure if the term is a legitimate slang name or something he just made up. He used them to open beers.
I'm sure your dad doesn't make things up. Especially important things such as this. You can find a fairly good explanation of the term from the British viewpoint at http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-chu2.htm
From the look of that shadow... it's time for a drink!
Nice painting.
Ok, okaaaay...guess I am more British now than I'd realised, yes a can opener, that is what I meant...We used to use the pointy end of ours to open Carnation condensed milk, you still have that stuff in your part of the world? oh just seen the comment below yours, going to check the link out now.
cheers craig....awesome stuff u ve over here....really like this church key.....
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